Welcome to the Enterprise Simulator!
Each door in the room represents a scenario that you may meet as an entrepreneur.
There is one scenario for each of the topics you saw in the training materials under Develop your enterprise skills.
When you click on a door, you go to the scenario. There are circles in each room that you can click to find you
examples of what you must be aware of when you become an entrepreneur,
and you must take time to consider what you would do, if you were in the
same situation. Explore one room and then return to the main room, by
clicking the circle on the door in the scenario - this takes you back.
you have explored one room, you should take the test for the topic
before you go to the next room. In the test we will ask you a few
questions about each topic. So take your time to consider the situations
thoroughly and keep in mind all that you have learned in the training
units. You will find a link to the test in the right side next to the
Enjoy your journey!
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